The intent of the geography curriculum at Weald of Kent Grammar School is to enable a purposeful, in-depth understanding of the world around us, developing an inquisitive awareness of the geographical issues, whilst developing critical thinking skills and decision-making faculties. As part of this powerful knowledge, they will consider global citizenship and sustainability so that students can make informed decisions and choices about how they live their lives in a careful and considered way.  

In our broad and balanced curriculum, students investigate physical processes so they can interpret landscapes and so will be able to apply this understanding throughout their lives, in the varied places their lives will take them. They learn how humans have and continue to shape and be shaped by landscapes so that they have a clear understanding of how different diverse societies are made and re-made. This knowledge is sequenced so that the level of challenge increases year upon year and concepts are studied at a variety of scales.  

Weald Geographers will be confident to draw upon a wide variety of skills, as well as knowledge, and understanding so that they can make a valuable contribution in the wider world as responsible and knowledgeable citizens. Our curriculum builds on what the students have learnt by the time they leave primary school and goes beyond the minimum requirement from the National Curriculum. Students are also exposed to knowledge beyond the taught curriculum through guest speakers and related reading, for example.  

The ‘golden threads’ of our geography curriculum are the interplay between humans and nature; inequalities; sustainability and space and place.  

Course Content

Years 7-9 
By the end of Year 9, geographers will have knowledge of the key physical processes that govern what we see. They will understand the pressing nature of the climate crisis and its impacts, for example. They will understand that the world is comprised of a wide range of human environments and have a rudimentary understanding of global inequality, poverty and population. They will be able to use geographical skills such as analysing thematic maps. 

Years 10 and 11 
By the end of Year 11, geographers will have a thorough knowledge of the key physical processes that govern what we see across the world such as tectonics, weather hazards, ecosystems and coasts/rivers. They will understand the dynamic complexities of the human world and be able to use geographical skills to reinforce their arguments such as graphical analysis. 


Years 12 and 13 
By the end of Year 13, geographers will have a detailed and analytical perspective on world events and be able to synthesize different strands of Geography to make astute and nuanced points. They will fully understand the systems which govern the natural world and also understand the facets of globalisation and how they impact the lives of people differently in diverse places. They will be able to use geographical skills to add depth to their answers and conduct such as independence investigations and use of GIS. 

Geography links to so many other lessons which is good because I can use my geography knowledge across multiple lessons.

The content is really interesting because it’s full of real-world examples and we can see how political decisions are relevant.

The main thing I love about geography is the trips. It's great to see what we’ve learnt about in class in the real world. 

Geography has helped me understand how people and places are connected and the importance of caring for our planet.

Geography is like a passport to the world.

Weald helped me find my love for the subject.


  • Sixth Form foreign residential fieldtrip e.g. Iceland, The Netherlands, The Azores  

  • Sixth Form UK residential and fieldwork days 

  • GeogSoc lecture series and student-led lectures delivered by Sixth Formers to younger years  

  • GCSE fieldwork day  

  • Author visits e.g. Dipo Faloyin  

  • External speakers e.g. Polar Network, Geopoliticians  

  • KS3 Geography Club  

  • Antarctica Flag Competition  

  • Young Geographer of the Year Competition