Course Content
We want to inspire resilient, independent problem solvers who are creative, innovative and take educated risk. This theme runs throughout all key stages at Weald of Kent Grammar School in Design and Technology. Our aim is that by the end of their time with us the students will have the courage to not give up when things go wrong, the creativity and problem-solving skills to work their way round all obstacles and ability to use their knowledge and gained skills to work independently and with confidence.
Throughout their time with us in Design and Technology students will try their hand at a range of skills that are mapped into projects that promote the above. They will mainly work with timbers, metals and polymers with a Product Design focus but will have small elements of textiles, graphics, and system and control. They will learn design skills and how this is related to the real work of design, and we will also link all areas to the world of work and how Design and Technology is not just about making things, but really about all the employable skills desired in many occupations, such as, problem solving, team work, resilience, project management, timekeeping, independence, responsible decision making, manual hand skills and trustworthiness.
“The Design and Technology department at Weald is an incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic environment with very approachable and supportive teachers making students feel comfortable to ask questions or help, whether it is related to theory lessons or doubts about using machinery.The communication within the department is really good, and if students do not understand something the first time, the teachers are willing to explain it in a different way without being confrontational. They always offer constructive feedback, and encourage you to take creative risks and expand on your initial ideas. If a project does not work, the teachers encourage you to not see them as failures but an opportunity to improve your skills further and think innovatively, and will work collaboratively to find effective solutions, which is highly motivating. I also appreciate the importance placed on teaching students how to safely use machinery since year 7, making students feel confident to refine their skills over time and do practical work independently. Overall, as a sixth form student who has studied Design Technology for 7 years at Weald, I think that it is one of the most engaging and exciting subjects I have studied, due to the excellent quality of teaching, resources and inspiring atmosphere it fosters.”
”I like the layout of the year and the way we do three small projects to help us prepare for the NEA. I like being able to revise the theory content on my own and I think the teachers are approachable and know a lot about the subject so are good at teaching.”
“I like being able to be creative and mostly free to make our own design choices and i love the fact that we have the materials and facilities to ensure that we have everything we need for GCSE. The teachers are very helpful and nice.”
“I love dt because it is very different from other subjects and gives you a chance to think creatively as there are lots of different aspects. Therefore, I chose it for GCSE, all the teachers are so lovely and helpful and really supportive too.”
“I enjoy the wide range of projects we do, like in year 7 we focused on wood, year 8 we had a chance to learn pewter casting and textiles and year 9 is scrollwork and designing. This really helps me to understand what DT is about. The teachers are also very nice and give lots of support!!”
We work with the Science department to deliver the STEM elements for the enrichment week. We work as part of the Creative Arts faculty to deliver house challenges and Enrichment days. We support all departments with manufacture of teaching aids, Weald branded clothing, awards for subject competitions and put up a combined exhibition of work with Art at the end of the year.
Detailed Course Content
Years 7-9
Year 7
Students will create a bug hotel that teaches them wood joints, sanding, drilling, and using the scroll saw. This is the foundation of making skills that ensures safe working in the workshop.
The second project is a travel game that will teach them about CAD and Cam using the laser cutter and heat transfer paper. This is more focused on design skills and communication of ideas.
Year 8
Students will undertake a series of mini project that build on year 7 skills.
Using CAD, Students will use a repeat pattern design technique to design, and laser cut a pattern piece for casting, a block for printing, and a template for shrink plastic. They will build on the wood techniques to create a trinket box using 2 of the joints to develop. The laser pattern will be used to cast a pendent and they will learn to cut, drill and finish metal safely. The block for printing will be printed on to fabric and then made into a jewellery pouch. The printed template will be used to draw the design onto shrink plastic to create a keyring focusing on design and accuracy. This is all backed up with the same theory work that is taught at GCSE.
Year 9
In year 9, students will learn about scroll work and design for a client of their choosing. They will learn to form, cut, file and braze their design together safely. They will develop designs through modelling and then learn to finish steel, and why this is important, and then attach it to timber.
In the second part of the year, Students will design a perfume bottle which will focus on design skills, isometric drawing and CAD design on Google SketchUp. They will develop a brand, learn to use new rendering techniques and create a design board as would be used in industry.
Years 10 and 11
Year 10
Term 1&2
Students embark on a range of skills that build on previous years. They will create an occasional table using the router and focus on accuracy and staining of timber. They will complete some practice joints that will enable high level practical skills. They will create a planished copper bowl and learn to silver solder. They will create a pierced and enamelled pendent to develop high level metal cutting skills. They will use the laser cutter to create an acrylic holder understanding nesting, tessellation, tolerance and creating CAD structures. Theory will be taught alongside this to ensure understanding of all section that need to be learnt. (A, B, C of the exam) Seneca is used to flip the learning and ensure understanding of the content before the lesson.
Term 3,4 &5
Students will complete a mini-NEA where they will design and make for a real client. They will complete a mini folder where they will get feedback on how to raise their marks to enable them to understand what to do then they take on the real NEA on 1st June. They will research, create a client profile, Moodboard, Specification, Design ideas using a range of drawing and rendering techniques, Model and test the model, draw an orthographic projection and make the final product. Theory will be taught alongside this to ensure understanding of all section that need to be learnt. (A, B,C of the exam) Seneca is used to flip the learning and ensure understanding of the content before the lesson.
Term 6
Student will start the NEA and choose one of the themes set by the exam board. They will complete a Task analysis, Plan, Client profile, Moodboard, Ergonomic study, Immersion testing, Product analysis and any other relevant research. They will Write a brief, Specification and start their 10 design ideas which they will finish over the summer holidays.
Year 11
Term 1
Student should come back into school with 10 design ideas drawn and rendered in different techniques. They will have received client feedback on the designs and use this to develop them using CAD. They will then test materials, joints and finishes to determine the best. Finally, they will draw up a manufacturing specification and draw an orthographic and create a cutting list.
Term 2&3
Students will then make for the next two terms using a wide range of skills to manufacture and finish their prototypes. This may require one to one support which, we schedule in during interventions to ensure safety and the support students need.
Term 4
Students will Test and evaluate their product by ensuring the client gives feedback. Evaluate the brief, specification and manufacturing specification, Complete physical tests and then redesign based on the testing and client feedback. They may also consider commercial viability as part of this. The last task is to do a social, moral, environmental, sustainable review of the final product. This will ensure that you have considered all aspects of the designs suitability to be developed in future.
Term 4 &5
Student will revise all areas of the exam by doing several approaches. We use exam paper walking talking mocks, Revision games, Knowledge organisers, Quick review slide on topics, drawing skills practice and Seneca.
Years 12 and 13
Year 12
Term 1
Students will separate their time between practical and theory tasks. Section 1 – Design and Innovation, of the theory content is covered this term with integrated exam technique to help develop good habit early. The practical element is a scrap material project to develop understanding of joining dissimilar materials. This will build on the understanding and skills acquired at GCSE. Alongside this design skills and CAD are developed with mini design projects
Term 2.
Section 2&3: Materials, Components and Processes, are partly covered this term, understanding the industrial context of how products are made. The second practical challenge is to design and make a product for a client out of reclaimed timber. This is to challenge working with hardwood that are not in perfect condition and the issues that this might bring. Students will also develop modelling skills and start to work on fusion 360.
Term 3&4
Sections 2&3 is completed and sections 4: Industrial practices, 5: Product analysis and systems, 6 Human responsibility and 7: Public interaction is also completed. The third and final project is completed which is an Architectural design project that enables us to bring in 3D printing and laser cutting to enable excellent scale modelling. Students are asked to redesign an area of the school using a design movement or designer as inspiration to help make it a better space to be. Students will work on a design portfolio that will form part of a presentation that they have to make to explain how they have developed and why it improves the space.
Term 5&6
Students will start their NEA finding a real-life problem to solve with a real client that they have found. They will undertake a wide range of research areas such as client interviews, immersion testing, product analysis to name a few. They will write a Brief and specification and also start to design ideas in their sketch books which will be completed over the summer with client feedback.
Year 13
Term 1
Students will return with an extensive range of designs that have been annotated, rendered and client have fed back on. These will then be developed with CAD to show how they use the feedback to narrow down the final idea. Students will model and test the model and mechanisms to help develop functionality and also test materials to ensure they are able to make informed decisions on the correct ones to select. They will create a manufacturing specification, orthographic cutting list and exploded view.
Term 2&3
Students will then make for the next two terms using a wide range of skills to manufacture and finish their prototypes. This may require one to one support which, we schedule in during free period and in interventions to ensure safety and accuracy when manufacturing.
Term 4
Students will Test and evaluate their product by ensuring the client gives feedback. Evaluate the brief, specification and manufacturing specification, Complete physical tests and then redesign based on the testing and client feedback. They may also consider commercial viability as part of this. They will compare and contrast their final product to existing products to ensure they have made a commercially viable prototype.
Term 4 &5
Student will revise all areas of the exam by participating in several approaches. We use exam paper walking talking mocks, Revision games, Knowledge organisers, Quick review slide on topics, Maths practice and mini practical revision tasks.