English lessons at KS3 and 4 combine English Language and Literature and inspire a love of learning through access to texts and opportunities that reflect our society. We offer individual A Levels in both English Language and Literature. 

 The knowledge that students learn in English lessons includes:-  

• Accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.  

• A critical vocabulary to identify and analyse fiction and non-fiction texts by writers, authors, poets and playwrights. 

 • Historical and modern literary context.  

• Detailed understanding of a range of texts, both fiction and non-fiction, each year. The English curriculum aims to foster effective communication through sensitive speaking, listening, reading and writing. 

 • Speaking and Listening activities at all Key Stages are purposeful and varied, encouraging students to share their views, listen empathetically and debate ideas, respecting others’ opinions. Students learn to speak with confidence in a range of contexts and to express themselves with fluency and insight.  

• Students read texts of many different genres, styles and forms. We aim for students to become life-long, discerning readers. The texts we explore are representative of the rich and diverse society in which we live. Students read fiction and non-fiction texts, ranging from the classics to contemporary literature.  

• Students are taught to write in a range of different forms to enable them to access opportunities. They learn to express themselves clearly and accurately when writing. 

 • The English department works very closely with the school libraries to provide a broad and exciting selection of enrichment opportunities to nurture reading, writing and discussion beyond the curriculum. Lunchtime and after school activities are available, and these are often linked.