Huge congratulations to the Weald of Kent Cross Country Team who participated in the first round of the ESAA Schools Cross Country Cup on 12 October at Somerhill School. 

The Junior girls finished an impressive 5th place from 10 neighbouring schools with Elsie leading the way home in 7th place, closely followed by Isla in 8th. The Intermediate girls finished a fantastic 3rd place from 9 teams, just 2 points behind Sevenoaks School.  Leading the way home for Weald was Holly in 4th place, followed by Lettie and Ruby leading the chasing pack in 11th and 12th position. 

Junior Girls: 7th Elsie, 8th Isla, 31st Tiana, 38th Allegra, 41st Lola and Erin

Inter-Girls: 4th Holly, 11th Lettie, 12th Ruby, 13th Polly, 14th Hettie, 17th Jazmin

Please see below photos of the teams.

Congratulations and well done to both teams, especially the Intermediate girls who have qualified for the Regional Finals in November! We wish you the very best of luck!