Brilliant young artist Anna is about to have her work shown at the world-famous Turner Contemporary.

Year 12 Anna's piece Solar Wave (pictured above) received a Highly Commended gong as part of the John Downton Awards - Kent County Council's (KCC) annual exhibition to encourage and celebrate the creativity of Kent's young artists. 

It is open to students aged 11 to 18 from schools and colleges across the county.

The award is hosted by KCC on behalf of the John Downton Trust. The exhibition commemorates the life and work of John Downton, the celebrated Kent artist, poet and philosopher.

Anna's work is currently on display at KCC's County Hall, Maidstone, until 8 January 2020. Winners were announced at an awards evening last month.

She's now set to see her work featured in an exhibition at Turner Contemporary in Margate, from Friday 7 February until Sunday 22 March 2020.