On Thursday we were thrilled to welcome our new intake of Year 7 Weald students at both the Sevenoaks and Weald campuses.

They were excited to meet their Form Tutors and new classmates, and an array of activities throughout the day helped them to get to know each other and share their feelings about starting secondary school.   

Our current Year 7 students have each written a postcard to our new Year 7 intake and it has been heartwarming to see their compassionate words of advice as they share their own feelings of being a nervous Year 6 about to embark on an exciting new adventure. Here are a few excerpts:

Weald is great and I’m sure you’ll love it here.  The teachers are very nice and supportive and the food is amazing, especially the waffle fries!  If you ever need anything or are worried about anything, you can always come to me or anyone around school.


Secondary school might seem very different to Primary and it is, but after a bit it feels like a second home.  All the teachers are kind and helpful and always push you to be your best.  Good luck


I’ve joined trampolining, cricket and netball and I love the community feeling when playing sports at Weald.

I know you might be nervous but Weald is amazing and if you ever feel upset or anxious there will always be someone to help you.

The school has a kind and friendly environment.  There are a lot of friendly students around the school who can help or guide you if you are unsure. Secondary school gives you a lot of independence but more responsibility, this is nothing to worry about!  Have fun!

When I first started Weald I was really nervous; it was a whole new experience to Primary School. If you need any help or reassurance, ask around for me: I promise I will find time for you.  I hope this postcard will reassure you that there is always someone there for you!