We are really proud to be celebrating an excellent set of A level results.  The grades that the students have achieved are testament to their hard work and commitment, combined with the support and encouragement that they have received from staff, parents and carers.

Amongst a really strong cohort who have maintained an average grade of a B across all subjects and of whom 66.3% achieved A*-B, we have some individuals who have demonstrated their stellar academic credentials.  Nineteen students have achieved at least three A or A* grades. All our students leave us knowing that their persistence, dedication and work-ethic mean that they now move onto the next stage of their lives able to make choices about their future and achieve their goals and ambitions.

We know that Weald students are special, and this year 13 cohort have once again proven this to be true.  We look forward to hearing about their future achievements as members of the Weald alumni.  Thank you Year 13, you have been amazing and it has been a privilege to be part of your journey.